Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Weight Watchers

OK, I know it seems a cop out. I should be able to figure out how to lose weight and get in shape without resorting to a regimen. But guess what - I CAN'T! And I am okay admitting that.

This is week number 4 on the online version of Weight Watchers and I have lost 9 pounds. I am quite excited about that. What is unfortunate is that since I started dating Jamie, I gained 25 pounds. That's a full 10 pounds over my heaviest weight yet! I love him - in fact I tell him I'm fat, dumb and happy - soon to be fit, dumb and happy. I just want to fit into pants that don't have elastic waists. I want to button pants and be able to breath, sit, walk, etc. Soon. Very soon.

I also started my new job at St. Bonaventure University. I love that they have this awesome new fitness center - the Richter Center. In fact, I set off the emergency exit alarm yesterday. Hey - I have to make my presence known. This center offers everything you need to get and stay in shape - and I get to use it free! Now I have no excuse. I bring lunch to work with me, I have access to the best fitness center, I want to be fit.

Check back for more information on my progress. I will post pitfalls, tips, triumphs. All of it will be here. And - the original purpose for this blog was to document my marathon training. With any luck, I will be back in the saddle (so to speak) by summer and in training again!

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