Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Bike Ride

Yesterday was absolutely the perfect day for a bike ride! The weather was 77 degrees when I left campus. It was a little colder at home, but what does that mean? 65 degrees? Big deal. Still warm.

I thought that I better take advantage of the weather since today it is expected to cool considerably and possibly - gasp - snow! So I went out for a ride.

I put on my cycling duds - padded shorts, funky cycling top, sassy gloves - and off I went. In the past, I have been able to ride for quite a distance without tiring. Yesterday it was across the street! Then I started to get tired. This can't be happening. I can't get this out of shape again.

In the past, I have also enjoyed looking at my thighs while I ride. I know that sounds crazy or narcissistic, but I have pretty nice thighs. They are quite muscular and sassy. Or they were quite muscular and sassy. Now they look like enormous sausages without any definition whatsoever. Oh I know the muscles are there screaming to be released. Soon - I promise! That should be ample motivation to continue working out - seeing the definition in my thighs emerge.

I love cycling. As much as I was winded, I also enjoy seeing the neighborhood. I like seeing the spring flowers coming up. I also like getting ideas for my own garden or my own home. I like the fresh air. I like the solitude. I also do quite a bit of thinking while I ride. Most of the time it's about nothing of consequence. Sometimes I solve problems, sometimes I just think about what's for dinner. I planned my garden while I rode yesterday. I thought about renovations to my home. I thought about my flowers. I thought about the pain I might be in after pushing myself.

That's the other thing I remember when I get on my weight loss kick. I enjoy cooking.

Since it is rainy and icky today, I plan to do something indoors. Perhaps I will do my step 'n pump that I enjoy - combination of step aerobics and weight training. I love that and always feel good afterward.

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