Saturday, August 07, 2010

Only 12 miles this week for our long run...

I remember being told last year that when we get to this point in our training, the 12 mile long weekend run will be a blessing. I thought they were full of crap until this week. The idea that I just have to run 12 miles is a blessing. And my week runs smoothly (pun intended) as a result. 4, 5, 4, 5 is the Monday through Thursday run and I modify it.

I ran 14 miles on Monday, so I take Tuesday off. I run 4 miles on Wednesday and 5 on Thursday. Then I run 3 on Friday just to stick with it, worried that it might screw up the long run on Saturday.

The humidity is a bitch and I am about ready to kill small children because I am so cranky because of it, but I am able to figure out how to run.

And I run 12 on Saturday. I am tired, I think, because I didn't run each day as I should have. I am determined not to modify my run next week.

I do notice on Sunday that my right foot is bothering me. I have an extra bone in my foot that acts up if it is overused. I would say that running like this is overusing it. I am quite surprised that it hasn't acted up sooner, but I am thankful it hasn't. I better shut up before I make it worse. I ice it and pamper myself. I've earned it.

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