Thursday, January 02, 2014

What goes down must then go up

I know that's not quite how the saying goes, but this is the saying that will work for me today.

I fell in our driveway on Monday as I was trying to get into my car to go to the chiropractor's office.  I recognize that if one is to fall, while heading to the chiropractor is a pretty good way to do it.

I did it with great aplomb.  Picture this - 5'11" heavyset woman falling ass over teacups.  I landed on my ass, full coffee mug flying, purse landing somewhere.  My thoughts in order:

  • That hot coffee feels strangely good as it soaks through my pants (it was flipping cold on Monday morning).  Kinda good?
  • Did I hit my head?  No, that's good news.
  • Does anything feel broken?  No, more good news.
  • Can I sit up?  Yes, news getting better.
  • Oh no, my coffee mug is broken (I pride myself on using a coffee mug made by a friend that is ceramic and, therefore, recyclable).  Good news turns to bad.
  • Quick scan - did any of my neighbors see me fall? Not so it would appear - very good!
  • Can I stand?  Yes, by pulling myself up using the rearview mirror on my car.  Thank God I didn't yank it off the car!
Lesson learned - look before you walk.  It was so clearly icy, but I was in a hurry and excited to get to my appointment, that I didn't pay attention.  In my defense, one of my assistants came over later in the day and she fell in the same spot even after I warned her.  I know I shouldn't be excited by that, but since she isn't hurt either, we're both good.

It's now Thursday.  I've woken up each day in pain.  My lower and right back are very sore.  Also, my arse feels a tad sore.  I think I may have bruised something.  It's clearly muscular/surface pain, not something worse.  We all know the difference, I think.

Going for a walk yesterday was awesome!  I worry about sitting on my arse, though.  I spent most of today working from home which means I am sitting in a chair.  I am very good about getting up periodically and walking about, but I am still primarily sedentary.  Those with back pain should not be idle.

So I did yoga.  I have been doing Ashtanga yoga for years.  I have been out of practice, but I know when I need to hold a pose a little longer given what my body and mind need.  Today I needed an allover stretch, and I got it!  I feel terrific!

I am a tad disappointed with myself because I was getting very good at Ashtanga yoga - getting into very difficult poses and the like.  I know that is not what it should be like, but that's what I thought.  I see it as a way to relax and repair as well as a way to challenge myself.  I need all of those things in my life.

You can't get to this:

If you don't start on your ass!  


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