Monday, July 06, 2009

Another week

This is week four.

I cannot believe I have trained for three weeks and am into week four.

Mileage is increasing, slowly.

Today I had to run 2.5 miles and it felt pretty good. Nothing too unusual.

I am worried about tomorrow. 4.5 miles. I have done 4, 5, and 6 before so 4.5 should be no big deal.

I am not sure why I worry so much.

I did buy a copy of Runner's World. Apparently, I am a runner. I should know what other runners know.

Sarah Palin was in this issue (July or August). And I had just read about her resigning her position as Governor of Alaska. I am guessing she needs more time to run. And by run, I mean on the mean streets of Wasilla, not run for office and such.

Or so I hope.

But life is never that easy.

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