Thursday, July 16, 2009

My first tarot card fundraising party.

Yesterday three miles was no big deal.

Today it was.

What gives?

I hope not my legs or my feet or my knees.

My good friend, Peg Schwenk, agreed to host a tarot card fundraising party for me. Thank you to Peg! It was an incredible success. I enjoy reading cards and freaking people the hell out. And I am thankful I am able to parlay that ability into money for my cause!

I also received a call from a regular Wild Mountain Organics customer. She wanted to reorder some products. When I mentioned that I was participating in a tarot card reading fundraiser, she wanted to know if I could add one more to the evening. When I said yes, she was thrilled and I added more money to my fundraising coffer! Thank you Cindy!

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