Saturday, December 22, 2007

UGH! Fat Bastard Bride

I am the fat bastard bride! I tried on, and purchased, my wedding dress a couple of weeks ago. I look good, but I could look awesome!

My belly and my boobs are aligned when I look down and I don't much like it.

I am going to get back on track and do something. I know that I can lose weight, so why don't I? And why do I keep gaining weight?

Back on track.....

Updates regularly...

Monday, April 30, 2007

One month in

It has been one month and I feel wonderful. I have already started to not crave crap. In fact, when I do eat crap, I feel like crap. I try to remember that each time someone gives me something that is wonderful. I eat it and feel like crap. Stop doing that.

My stats have changed in one month and I am happy to report them below:

Height: 5'11" (unchanged, of course)
Weight: 215 (lost 10 pounts!)
Waist: 37.75"
Hips: 43.5"
Thight: 25"
Bicep: 14"
Bust: 44"

Not bad!

I am also going to sign up for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training program and train for the Marine Corps Marathon in DC in October. I will be able to use this blog for its originally intended purpose - hence the name "Tippy Training."

Will blog again soon. If I am not working out and eating well!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Week Three

My plan to update the blog daily has failed. I am lucky to update the blog weekly. That will have to do.

It will have to do because I lost another 3 pounds! Woo hoo!

What's even better is I don't feel compelled to do as others do. Yesterday, my family ordered subs from the local pizza joint. Everyone ordered a whole sub but me. I said, nope, give me a half. And I was completely satisfied and also damn happy that I didn't get a whole sub because I would have eaten a whole sub. Normally, I would order a whole sub and some french fries or something.

Then we went to dinner last night and I didn't go overboard. I felt quite good about that.

I didn't work out last week as much as I would have liked, but plan to get back into it. Our weather has sucked, making it quite difficult to go outside and do things. I need to do that. I have been cooped up inside too long! We need to get out!

But 3 more pounds. Not a bad weight loss - although my Weight Watchers tracker tells me to slow down because you should only lose 2 pounds per week. I am not depriving myself (that is for damn sure) so I don't know why I am losing quickly. I am adhering to the program and feel fabulous.

Summer bikini body, here I come!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Behind Already....but Ahead

I know that I said I would keep this blog updated as I continued on my quest for health and fitness, but I have been slacking.

That is not to say that I have been slacking in my quest for health and fitness. On the contrary.....

Last week was the first official week and I lost 5 pounds! I suspect it is because the Weight Watchers website was using my previous weight which was 25 pounds lighter than now. I did enter my new weight, but forgot to hit reset, so I had the wrong points allowance for the day. I was able to do it without being hungry, but....

I also started working out more. The thing with Weight Watchers is that you get to add points to your daily points allowance if you workout. I love math and numbers (because I am a goober) so this works for me. I challenge myself to workout so that I can justify adding something to my diet. I can eat my low calorie desserts because I ran or did yoga or did my step 'n pump.

Speaking of step 'n pump - I had done this about 3 or 4 weeks ago and thought I was going to die. Then I did it this week after other workouts and after eating better and I was a champ! I felt like a million bucks and didn't want to stop. But I figured I better since I didn't want to overdo it and injure myself.

My reward at the end of the week was a wonderful massage. And damn, did I need it!

Here's to another great week! Hope to check in more than once per week.

With any luck I will be able to get outside to run and/or bike. I don't mind running in the snow and cold, but I prefer not to. I want to get out of my living room!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Bike Ride

Yesterday was absolutely the perfect day for a bike ride! The weather was 77 degrees when I left campus. It was a little colder at home, but what does that mean? 65 degrees? Big deal. Still warm.

I thought that I better take advantage of the weather since today it is expected to cool considerably and possibly - gasp - snow! So I went out for a ride.

I put on my cycling duds - padded shorts, funky cycling top, sassy gloves - and off I went. In the past, I have been able to ride for quite a distance without tiring. Yesterday it was across the street! Then I started to get tired. This can't be happening. I can't get this out of shape again.

In the past, I have also enjoyed looking at my thighs while I ride. I know that sounds crazy or narcissistic, but I have pretty nice thighs. They are quite muscular and sassy. Or they were quite muscular and sassy. Now they look like enormous sausages without any definition whatsoever. Oh I know the muscles are there screaming to be released. Soon - I promise! That should be ample motivation to continue working out - seeing the definition in my thighs emerge.

I love cycling. As much as I was winded, I also enjoy seeing the neighborhood. I like seeing the spring flowers coming up. I also like getting ideas for my own garden or my own home. I like the fresh air. I like the solitude. I also do quite a bit of thinking while I ride. Most of the time it's about nothing of consequence. Sometimes I solve problems, sometimes I just think about what's for dinner. I planned my garden while I rode yesterday. I thought about renovations to my home. I thought about my flowers. I thought about the pain I might be in after pushing myself.

That's the other thing I remember when I get on my weight loss kick. I enjoy cooking.

Since it is rainy and icky today, I plan to do something indoors. Perhaps I will do my step 'n pump that I enjoy - combination of step aerobics and weight training. I love that and always feel good afterward.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Dissertation 25

I had the most horrible experience the other day. It was a perfectly nice day in Western New York. The weather was sublime. I like to break out the spring/summer clothes whenever the weather cooperates so early in the season.

I donned a sleeveless shirt and was feeling pretty good.

Until I got to work and looked in the bathroom mirror.

I have fat, old woman arms! I was demoralized! Even my elbows had fat!

I wondered how I was able to lose 20 to 25 pounds and then decide to gain it all back time and again. I knew that the stress of last semester (I'm a college professor) allowed me to eat uncontrollably. I knew that finishing my dissertation helped put on the weight.

But all 25 of those hard earned pounds that I had lost? What the hell?!

So I decided the only way to do it is to really make that change and track my progress publically so that I am held accountable for all of my shortcomings and successes.

This begins that journey.

I already know that when I eat well and exercise, I feel like a million bucks. I have crazy energy and even stop craving crap. I just have to remind myself that I am in this for the long haul.

I also get disheartened and encouraged when I see people who take a billion drugs for God knows what ailment. I refuse to be those people. I say disheartened because I am sure they didn't intend to get there either and because I am quite appaled at big pharmaceuticals; encouraged because I recognize early enough, I hope, that I don't need to be among them.

Here's hoping it sticks this time. Keep me honest!

Here are the stats as I know them now:
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 225
Waist: 38.75"
Hips: 44"
Thigh: 25.5"
Bust: 44"
Bicep: 14
Goal Weight: 175 (or so - we may reevaluate as we get closer)
Goal size - much smaller!