Monday, June 06, 2011

Gotta Lose the Weight!

I ran the marathon and then didn't do a damn thing for months. Didn't stop eating. Didn't work out. Now I've gained all of the weight back that I lost. All 35 pounds. I know that yo-yoing isn't good, but I gained everything back. The good news is that I know how to lose it.

I hate that I have to lose it, but lose it I must.

I have borderline high cholesterol. I am only 41! I need to get in shape.

I have to think about why I want to lose weight and why I want to be fit:
  • I feel so amazing when I eat well and exercise. I need to remember that feeling all the time.
  • I feel like a horse's ass when I don't eat well and don't exercise. I need to remember that bloated, fat feeling.
  • I can recover from illness much faster when I am in shape. I have to remember that the surgery I had could be necessary again. I want to recover quickly again.
  • I am not getting younger and the better I take care of myself now, the longer I will live a high quality life....I hope. That's what they tell me.
There are probably other reasons, but I have listed the above for now. This blog will serve to document my journey again. AGAIN! Seriously, how many times am I going to document this journey? This better be it.

This blog coupled with tippykayak will document my weight loss/healthy lifestyle journey and will also document any recipes I try and other things I do to be healthy and fit. Stay tuned. I will also put flattering pictures up. So you will have to wait until I have some.....

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