Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I weighed myself this week and was sorely disappointed - I didn't lose - I stayed the same. Granted, I did kinda cheat over the weekend. Just kinda. So I tried to talk myself out of the slump. "You know, you did cheat and didn't gain. That's good news."

It didn't do much to soothe me, however.

Then I didn't workout for two days because I was being a cry-baby.

So I said, get your lazy ass out of bed and get thee to the Richter Center.

I wanted to workout this morning as much as I wanted to give myself paper cuts all over my body and jump in a vat of vinegar, but I did it (the workout that is). I told myself I would run for at least 15 minutes and then decide if I wanted to bike or whatever.

I ran for 45 minutes and could have kept going. What a feeling! Now I should make a sign that reads "get your lazy ass out of bed and get to the gym because you will feel much better as a result."

Now I can justify eating Girl Scout Cookies. I hate those damn Girl Scouts and their freaking cookies. On the plus side, the Girl Scouts have a new cookie this year. Cafe Cookie. It's like a cinnamon sugar cookie and it is damn good! Enjoy!

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