Saturday, February 04, 2006

Feeling Great

I wondered how long it would be before I started to feel good. The reason I was so upset and interested in getting back into shape is that I gained more weight and weighed more than I ever had. I blamed my boyfriend for getting me fat, dumb and happy. I told him I wanted fit, dumb and happy.

I have been so good about portion sizes, working out, food choices. I feel wonderful!

The size 16 jeans I had to buy this season are now baggy. BAGGY! I don't regret the investment, though. I haven't busted out the size 14s yet. I want to wait a couple weeks. I should invest in a belt. I can get a little more mileage out of the 16s yet.

I find myself with more energy, a more positive attitude, and a general like for my body even though I have a long way to go!

I was looking at the Victoria's Secret catalog for inspiration. I have no interest whatsoever in looking like these unhealthy models (they can verbally abuse me here for insulting them). I want to buy a bikini! Or a sexy top to show up my sculpted arms. And a nice pair of something or other to highlight my legs.

I love that I am muscular. I love that I have large legs that carry me anywhere I choose to go. I love that my arms can lift my house. I love that I have a strong core - getting stronger by the day.

I feel great and have no interest in backing down.

I also find that I have no interest in my former cravings. Potato chips don't hold the same appeal. Cakes, cookies, etc. don't hold the same appeal. Now I want some fruit for dessert. Who knew?

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